Ha! Ha! Why is it funny to see your kids cry sometimes and then not so funny when say they're sick or hurt? My newest in-law Justin was the Big Bad Wolf and Kristin was Little Red Riding Hood and their costumes rocked and were very believable.
I wished we lived closer to the farm. Wheeler Historic Farm is always so much fun for the kids and this time the workers let Aidan and Seery pet the piglet (only 3 weeks old). After some shyness they actually did pet the future bacon of McDonald's. The funny part was when they ran away scared because the other Mama Pig got a little ticked and started charging the fence grunting because the workers made her piglets squeal.
We brought hot dog buns to feed the ducks and geese and they flipped out and were attacking our stroller, which of course made Seery freak out and start squealing herself. Quite funny if I do say so myself. It's hard to type with Liam pushing my hand away and trying to get the mouse. What's the point in buying toys if he just stands by the computer and grunts at the mouse.