Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Liam is Mobile!

Liam finally crawled for the first time on September 28th. He's been sitting on his bum for about a month now getting up on his haunches, but has just been too scared to go anywhere. Maybe it has something to do with him faceplanting a few time right on his little button of a nose. It's fun to walk into his room in the morning and to see him sitting up in bed jabbering away.

Now we just have to babyproof everything and teach Aidan and Seery some more patience so they don't kill the poor child when he crawls over and starts eating their toys.

Of course Elise is bummed out because she's in bed for 3 weeks after having ankle surgery to repair her ligament and a torn tendon. We did get Liam to crawl in her room with her Blackberry Curve as bait. For everyone wondering - Elise's surgery went perfect, but she's in a ton of pain.

Seery's 4th Birthday!

Seery had an awesome 4th birthday party! Thank you to all who came and made this day special for her and to her wonderful Aunt Mallory for making the superb cake.
Seery said her favorite part of her birthday was "having cake" and "opening presents, Diane and Ben's presents." She loved the glowsticks. I'd have to say her favorite birthday present was her brand new purple bike with training wheels.
The top picture is Seery with her best friend Megan. They are in the same class at preschool and hug and kiss when saying goodbye. I don't even get that from Seery. Seery received a crown, balloon, and got to be the special helper at her preschool.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Mom is Barbie?

On the way home tonight from Granny's house while Aidan and Seery were playing with her new doll she bought with birthday money from Target the following conversation occurred.

Aidan: Why did you want to marry Mom?
Dad: Because I fell in love with her.
Aidan: I think it was because she's a Barbie girl. She has barbie hair and brown skin just like Barbie does.

I would have to agree with Aidan. The first think I noticed when I met my wonderful wife camping 10 years ago was her long blonde hair and I've loved it ever since.

I took a video of Liam swinging as he was loving it and it wasn't until I watched it about 10 minutes later that I heard what Aidan was actually saying in the background.

Now, I hope that whoever listens to Aidan doesn't get the wrong idea. He's not running around all the time pulling down his pants and underwear and I can assure that 'Granny' would not find that funny. I love how I just tuned him out to focus on Liam making his cute little sounds. What a great Dad!

Friday, September 4, 2009

How bad is it when you walk into a meeting and casually say, "Well, I wonder who's getting fired?" and then the guy in charge of the meeting smiles and says, "Don't say that. . . " Ten minutes later there's been an 'organizational change' and your company has one less employee.

Like Wally from Dilbert says, "I need to become irreplacable so I can't be fired for my behavior." Now those are words to live by.

Liam loves to eat. I really like his spirit fingers that he does when he really likes what he's eating.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

I love telling my Aidan and Seery to spin. It's fun to watch them spin as fast as they can and then try to run. They were spinning today while waiting for Aidan's kindergarten class to start. I took it on my phone so it's not quite that clear, but it's not too bad either.

I have time right now because Aidan is still at school now and Elise is at the neighbors chatting it up. I'm thankful she has some good friends here. I just got done vacuuming the family and living rooms and can't wait for them to be messy again. It seems somewhat pointless to clean and then it's messy again within hours. It's like kids are allergic to cleanliness.

What's better than that is Elise telling me this morning that the weeds don't look much better even though we were both out there last Thursday pulling them until we were sweaty messes. I'm planting corn next year and making a corn maze so I can charge all of the local elementary schools to come through it. I love having the computer right next to our backyard so I can just turn my head and be inspired by the view.

I'm starting an AdSense account to become rich, but in the meantime I'd be happy to accept donations towards getting some grass in our sandbox of a backyard. If the later part of this blog seems like complaining then we're of like minds.