Monday, April 18, 2011

Temper Tantrum!

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Liam tends to take off his pants when he's upset. Good thing he can't take off his diaper very well.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Seery's busted up hand.

This is her poor 'lil hand 2 days later.

Who Loves To Bowl!

Have you ever wondered if bowling could be dangerous?

You might if you've seen the movie Kingpin with poor picked on Woody Haroldsen.

I came home on Friday from work and it was the last day of Spring Break and Adain and Seery still hadn't been bowling!

So we went to Jack and Jill's and midway through the second game Seery slipped and the 8 pound fell on her little hand.

Somehow nothing was broken, but it was a really bad contusion. This was a long night as we got home at 9:30 and then mom took her to the ER for X-rays. The doctors couldn't believe that nothing was broken.

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My Letter to Mother Nature

Dear Mother Nature,

How are you doing today? It's quite beautiful outside right now, which is why I'm writing you today. It seems the last month you've really outdone yourself on the "I'm going to make everyone miserable chart".

It's snowed, rained, and actually been windy for most of the month. Oh, and it doesn't stop there does it Mama Nature?? This next week it's supposed to be the same! Now I know we're not having tornadoes, tsunami's or earthquakes, but that doesn't mean you need to remind us we're lucky to not be in a disaster area now does it?

In conclusion I would like to request 70 degree weather as soon as possible as our kids have cabin fever and I'm getting a little depressed with all this dreary weather.

Yours truly,

A concerned receipient of your horrendous weather