Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Boys.

I do love my boys. And I believe that they usually love me too. Although it is hard to fathom when Aidan is telling me that I am the worst Dad in the world and that he "hates me." Then 5 minutes later he'll be hugging me and begging me to play with him. I appreciate his mood swings. They keep me on my toes. Liam also started having mini-temper tantrums. He'll go to hit whatever with the open palm of his hand and try to bite with his lovely six teeth. He'll also be cuddling with you 5 minutes later so I'm not too worried about either of them. I'm amazed that I have sons to raise and hope and pray that I'll do alright at it. I'm pretty lucky though in that I have a guiding voice (my wife) who hesitates not to point out what I can do better. Thanks Hun!

Our Family at Kristin's Wedding.

Wow! What an amazing wedding the my sister in law Kristin and Mr. Justin Pribble had! It was a blast to be with friends and family. Everything and everyone was so beautifully decked out in thier best that it defies description. I'm typing right now with a very sick Aidan standing next to me growling about how he is "so bored." He has strep throat and a pretty bad cold.

Anywho, it was a perfect day for a wedding and both the bride and groom looked amazing and truly in love, which is all that matters at the end of the day. I thought I'd post some pictures of us all standing as Elise has been in bed for 4 weeks after having ankle surgery (she also was diagnosed with strep throat and a sinus infection). How lucky am I to have such a beautifully sexy wife who somehow has decided to stay with me through all of my painfully incompetance.

I love it when it gets real quiet in the house and then I hear Seery yell "Woohoo" and then she jumps from 5 steps up all the while talking to herself or her "imaginary friends." Their names are "I'm not telling you."
I'm a little scared at how cute Seery is when I think about her being older and a teenager. Those boys had better watch it because I will follow them and if they dare park their car to watch the "submarine races" as my parents called it then out will come the paintball gun I'll someday buy for that very purpose.